you were not put on this earth to feel shitty about your food choices + body, sis.


Have you left diet culture (because you know diets are stupid and don’t work), tried intuitive eating (because it makes so much sense), but are struggling with how to practically implement the principles into your life?

Like how long should you spend on a principle? Should you go in order? What happens when you feel like you are making progress and then the shit hits the fan!

Maybe you still have the desire to lose weight? 
Or, you’re still talking shit to yourself every time to look in the mirror.
Or, you have food rules that you just can’t shake?
Or, perhaps you equate ‘healthy foods’ with diet foods and exercise with obsession. 

Do you just want a middle ground that looks like stressing less and enjoying life more?

Sis, am I ever glad you are here!!

Free & Empowered Coaching empowers you to redefine your relationship with food, exercise, and your body by saying Bye Felicia to diet culture bullshit and hello to trusting your body. 

It’s a human-first, HAES informed, collaborative 12-week, 1:1 coaching program designed to help women fit intuitive eating in their lives in a way that makes sense.

This program exists because, frankly, I was sick and tired of seeing women feel guilt and shame and not-enoughness after striving to follow diet culture’s bullshit standards.

Diet culture is built on oppressive systems (racism, classism, ableism, fatphobia, capitalism), all designed to keep you stuck in the cycle of feeling like you are the problem. And that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Intuitive eating and body respect offer a way for women, like you, to stand up to diet culture and step into their full power.

Learning body respect and implementing the intuitive eating principles literally changed my life and I wanted to help other women experience the same.

While all clients go through all 10 intuitive eating principles, you have your own lived experience when it comes to diet culture. And while so many women experience similar things, sometimes you need to know how to approach different situations, questions, and struggles that are unique to you.

The 1:1 collaborative coaching allows your unique needs to be understood and helps give you the tools you need to fit intuitive eating into your life while learning how to respect your body.

At the end of the program, you’ll walk away with some BIG mindset shifts and all the tools you need for the long-term. 

You might:

  • stop talking shit to yourself every time you walk past the mirror

  • stop hiding behind other people in photos - and criticizing your body in the very same photo

  • enjoy hanging out with friends at a restaurant without obsessing over the menu

  • feel more confident eating when you are hungry, stopping when you are full, and eating the foods you want

  • feel your feelings instead of always eating them because you’ll have other coping strategies (note: emotional eating is normal!)

  • wear clothes that make you feel a confident badass

  • exercise in a way that feels good rather than doing things you think you should do in order to get the body you think you need

Do you get a feeling of hope or relief or even excitement from reading those bullet points? If you are ready to chat more and figure out if the program is going to be a good fit for you, I’d love to talk!

what past clients are saying

Before, I was focused on wanting to get to a goal weight. I was consumed by thinking I needed to be smaller day in and day out. Now, not so much consumed and working on accepting where I am at right now and being grateful.

I have noticed that I am becoming more confident in my strength and trusting my body with what it can do (in both working out and everyday things). The fact that I’m not obsessed with any of these new habits is amazing- if I miss one, it’s ok, I recognize that feel better when I do them so they are all higher on my priority list. 

— Jill B.

If you're even thinking about doing this program- you already know that things don't have to be this way. You're already needing to make a change for yourself. Take the leap, bite the bullet, invest in yourself. Jen is 100% the real deal. I have never once regretted or questioned my decision to work with her. There will never be a 'more right' time to invest in yourself. We become ready by doing. It will always be painful. It will always be hard. It will always be worth it.

- Sarah S.

I tried a lot of different diet/workout programs, but none of them were successful. I needed something tailored to me and my lifestyle, and needed the support of a coach. Jen cares about you as a whole person. She welcomes you as you are, and works with you to figure out changes - both big and small - that can lead to a more balanced and healthy life. She is great!

— Jenny R.


Free & Empowered Coaching

Investment: $1,800*

What’s included:

  • EIGHT (8) 1-on-1 coaching calls

  • Customized 16-week Intuitive Eating + Body Respect program

  • FREE Intuitive Eating Workbook

  • Email, text, and Voxer support

* Payment plan available

Filling out an application is the first step of the process and the best way to schedule a consult. This is not guaranteeing you a spot in the program and you will NOT be asked to submit payment after filling it out.

I am a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor certified by The Original Intuitive Eating Pros.

what clients are saying

Before this program my relationship with food was getting much better but I was still using food to cope with my hectic days. I don’t mind emotional eating but it would often feel out of control. I wasn’t slowing down my days to feed myself what I truly wanted and it left me unsatisfied. Through the day I was always searching for something to take the edge off the stress of the day or searching for something to satisfy me (usually by reaching my hand into anything in the pantry).

What I really needed was to slow way down and take the time to make complete meals and have a meal experience that was thoughtful. That had helped me tremendously.

My relationship with food now is much more well planned (as in I do food prep to make sure I have meals that I know will be delicious and satisfying to me; I meal plan to make sure I have ingredients on hand to make the meals I know will bring me joy; I sit down when I eat and try to have a real experience with my food instead of eating quickly to go on to the next thing).

— LeAnn N.

I feel like I had searched and looked and read and researched and felt a connection with Jen. I had been struggling to find what works for me and which program would work best, worried about weight and inflammation and maybe I was creating it all along. I think I was getting so caught up on the root cause and was getting buried in rules and restrictions.

I did not realize until going through the program how trapped I was into the rules and how I was being impacted by rules and restrictions. I enjoy exercise, but I also feel like this program gives me more freedom to chose exercises that work for me and not what others think or suggest I do. I was hard on my body before and constantly comparing to old pictures or to others and I am realizing now to celebrate my body and what I can do- that I am strong. All the times I thought I was being "healthy" or "better" because I was following certain rules, but now I realize I just need to allow myself to have things and get rid of guilt or shame.

— Jen D.

What drew me to Jen was that she seemed to be living in that middle ground and was able to find something that worked for her and promoted that to her clients instead of assuming everyone needs to do the same things.

Prior to this program I was talking down to myself constantly - always picking apart what was wrong with my body or myself, constantly being self-conscious in every single outfit I wore that I looked like shit, telling myself I wasn't good enough or wasn't worthy or I was a failure, calling myself names, etc. Not to say that some of these thoughts never come up anymore, but its not every second of the day or even every day or every other day so that's been a massive shift!

I feel like everything in my life is just lighter and less stressful now that I'm not consumed with and weighed down by the stress of constantly thinking about and worrying about and second guessing decisions with food/exercise/my body. I think I've freed up so much head space that I'm better able to handle all situations now with more calm instead of sort of flying off the handle at the smallest inconvenience or stressors. This has definitely helped a ton in my personal life, my work life, and my overall mental health/well-being .

— Brooke E.